Marine Toys for Tots is committed to delivering hope and emotional comfort to children in need throughout the year – we are a year-round force for good! We want to ensure that children in need have a reason to believe in a brighter tomorrow no matter the time of year. That is why we have partnered with Good360 to provide toys, books, and other gifts to disadvantaged children throughout the Nation during the spring and summer months.
Earlier this spring, Catholic Charities of Shiawassee and Genesee Counties held their annual toy giveaway that supported local children in Foster Care in the Mid-Michigan area. The local Michigan charity works with individuals, families and communities to help them address their needs and issues and contribute to a just and compassionate society.
Over the course of 2 distribution events hosted by Catholic Charities, 475 local children in need received brand-new toys and left with smiles illuminating their faces!
“We all enjoyed helping to give away the toys,” said a staff member from Catholic Charities. “The children were happy, and the parents were thankful. It was with God’s blessing that we were able to help so many children who will enjoy the toys for many months. Most of these children come into care with just a suitcase and some clothes. It is a blessing that these new toys will provide some normalcy in their lives.”