Becoming a Marine Toys for Tots Local Community Organization Coordinator (LCO)
We believe there are roughly 15 Million children living at or below the poverty level in the United States.
In 2022, there were 1,148 counties in the United States that did not have a Marine Toys for Tots Program to support families in need.
We need dependable individuals or Organizations to apply to become a Marine Toys for Tots Coordinator in any of our uncovered counties found here: Local Campaign Coverage
If you would like to bring the joy of Christmas and send a message of hope to America’s children in need, apply to be a Local Toys for Tots Coordinator.

Marine Toys for Tots Foundation provides assistance to local campaigns. Outside of Christmas, the Foundation focuses on areas impacting children’s lives.
Additional programs:
- 1st Quarter: Literacy Program (Providing books to Title 1 Schools)
- 2nd Quarter: Foster Care Program
- 3rd Quarter: Native American Program
- Ongoing: Youth Ambassador Program
- Spotlighting “Children Helping Children” across the Nation
2022 Statistics:
- Children assisted: 9,984,917
- Toys Collected: 14,450,708
- Toys distributed: 24,388,592
- 833 local campaigns:
- Marine Units – 138
- LCO’s-
- Other- 430 / MCL – 254 / NAP – 7 / Military – 4
- We are in all 50 states to include:
- District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Virgin Islands
- Campaign dates:
- 1 October through the completion of the After-Action Report on January 17th each year
- Local Coordinators have the privilege to be part of a United States Marine Corps official activity.
- In many areas, Local Coordinators work alongside uniformed Marines and Sailors to support community events and various fundraisers.
- Coordinators help unite all members of local communities in a common cause during the annual toy collection and distribution campaign by:
- Contributing to improve communities
- Making a direct impact on children in need
How to Apply
Step One
Read our Standard Operation Procedures Handbook and explore our national website – this will give you a general overview of what running a Toys for Tots Campaign is like. Some recommended links below:
- Toys for Tots Home Page
- About Toys for Tots
- How Toys for Tots Works
- History of The Toys for Tots Program
- Find Your Local Campaign
- Coordinators Corner
Determine if your area has a campaign:
Other Helpful Links:
- SOP for Local Toys for Tots Campaigns
- Application Form for Local Community Organization to Conduct a Local Toys for Tots Campaign (Closed for 2024)
Step Two
Complete our application via this link: Application to Become a Coordinator (Closed for 2024). The application is open 16 January – 30 June. The deadline is final, any application submitted after this date will not be accepted. Please note that we do not begin reviewing applications until late Spring. We will communicate with you via email; ensure you enter an accurate address on the application and check it frequently.
Step Three
We will send you a say credit/criminal background check via email. The link is valid for only 96 hours, it is imperative that you fill it out immediately.
Step Four
Once the say credit/criminal background check inquiry check comes back clear a webinar link will be sent to you via the email listed on your application. Like with the credit/criminal background check request, this link is valid only for a short period of time; be sure to complete it quickly.
Step Five
We will send you an approval (or denial) letter via email. A denial could be for a variety of reasons, it will be listed in your letter. If you are approved, congratulations! The next step will be attendance at our mandatory Coordinator’s Training, in September. The coordinator is required to attend, no other person is authorized (i.e. no spouses, assistants, children, etc.). If you, the coordinator, do not attend, your approval will be rescinded. We will send you additional information via email with your approval / welcome letter.
After You Apply / Overview
- The Foundation begins looking at applications in late-March.
- Upon receipt of your application, you will receive an email with a link for a background check.
- The link is only valid for 96 hours so its imperative that you fill it out immediately.
- Once the background screening is complete, you will receive an email with the result.
- Once approved, you will attend our Coordinator’s training in September.
- Travel Days: 12 & 15 Sep / Training Days: 13-14 Sep
- Only for local Coordinators, no guests
- Training is mandatory for new local Coordinators
For more information on how to become a Local Toys for Tots Coordinator for your area, contact:
- Deputy VP of Operations, Mike Stuckey
- Email: