After you take care of your loved ones in your estate plans, please consider remembering America’s less fortunate children in your will or living trust.
Giving through your will
Your will is a legal document that coordinates the distribution of your assets after death. Leaving some of your assets to a charity is a very popular way of giving and can be arranged now to create a lasting legacy.

Giving through a trust
A trust can be created to manage your assets during and beyond your living years and are often used to minimize estate taxes. Trusts can be arranged in many ways and can specify exactly how and when your assets pass to your designated beneficiaries. One benefit of a charitable trust includes allowing you to donate to charities of your choice during and after your lifetime while also receiving significant tax savings for you and your beneficiaries.
Legal Name
Marine Toys for Tots Foundation
18251 Quantico Gateway Dr
Triangle, VA 22172
Federal Tax ID Number
Don’t have a will? Visit FreeWill.com to get started on creating an estate plan at no personal cost. Already have a plan? Let us know here.
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Retirement Plans
An easy way to ensure disadvantaged children are not forgotten at Christmas is to name the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation as a beneficiary of your IRA, retirement plan or life insurance policy.
Simply contact your retirement plan administrator, insurance company or financial institution for a change of beneficiary form. You can decide what percentage you would like the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation to receive and indicate your wishes on the beneficiary form and return the form.
If you are 70 ½ or older, you can use a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) in place of a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) for potential tax benefits. You can donate annually directly from your IRA that could reduce your adjusted gross income qualifying you for tax breaks.
To make it easier for you, we’ve partnered with FreeWill to provide an online resource so you can learn more and get started on a QCD quickly and easily. This tool is safe, secure, and makes communicating with your IRA custodian simple — it takes 10 minutes or less and is completely free. Click here to get started.
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You can donate stocks, bonds and mutual funds to a charity. Talk to your accountant or financial advisor about the potential tax advantages of making such a gift or donation.
The Marine Toys for Tots Foundation investments are managed by SY Financial Group of Merrill Lynch.
Upon receipt of a stock donation, our investment manager, after consultation with the Foundation President & CEO, will liquidate the stock and transfer the funds to the Foundation’s operating funds account or endowment fund. The investment manager immediately notifies the President & CEO of the details of the transaction. Thereafter, the President & CEO forwards a letter to the donor for his/her tax records.
To initiate a stock donation, please contact the Vice President, Marketing and Development at (703) 640-9433 or Plannedgiving@toysfortots.org.
You can also use this free stock transfer tool to make the process simple and cost-free. Click here to get started on your stock donation in 10 minutes or less.
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Marine Toys for Toys has been recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as an organization exempt from federal income tax pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. Amounts contributed to the organization are deductible to the extent permitted by law. Marine Toys for Tots does not provide tax advice to donors, and donors should consult with their tax advisors to discuss charitable planned giving intentions, how to achieve such goals and determine the deductibility of their contributions.
To learn more about leaving a lasting legacy to Toys for Tots, please contact the Vice President, Marketing and Development at (703) 640-9433 or Plannedgiving@toysfortots.org.