Bob Hope, the master entertainer who has become a legend in his own lifetime, is a native of England, a national monument in the United States and a citizen of the world. He has been hailed by critics and fans as “Mr. Entertainment,” “Mr. Humanitarian,” the “King of Comedy” and “Uncle Sam Without Whiskers.” President Kennedy presented him with the nation’s highest award, the Congressional Gold Medal, and called Hope “America’s most prized ambassador of good will throughout the world.” He has received over 1,000 awards and citations for his humanitarian and professional efforts and 50 honorary doctorate degrees.
Bob Hope has entertained heads of state throughout the world with command performances for Britain’s Royal Family. He has entertained nine presidents and has shared the dais with hundreds of government officials through the years

It is doubtful if anyone in the annals of show business has ever made a more endearing hit than Hope did the moment he stepped before American servicemen dreaming about home and quipped, “Hi, fellow tourists!” He has continually lifted the spirit of our servicemen since 1941 when he did his first radio show at March Field (Air Force Base) in California.
Throughout World War II and the Korean Conflict, he traveled more than a million miles entertaining and lifting the morale of more than ten million troops, appearing at almost every American military base in the world and visiting many of them annually.
On completion of his 22nd overseas show in 1972, Hope informed the world that “this” was his last Christmas show. But, for Christmas, 1973, he was again entertaining in veterans hospitals and has continued this tradition each year. And in 1983, Beirut, of course.
In spite of his unbelievable schedule, Hope gives his time and talent to an average of two benefit performances per week.
John Steinbeck said of Hope, “This man drives himself and is driven. It is impossible to see how he can do so much, can cover so much ground, can work so hard and be so effective. There’s a man. There is really a man!”
1987 National Honorary Chairman
Mr. Bob Hope