Toys for Tots continues with our special distributions beyond the holiday season to remind disadvantaged children that there is hope for a brighter future.
Summer break means time away from the classroom, and more time to spend outside with friends and family. Sadly, for economically disadvantaged children, summer break can also mean a lack of access to educational resources – which can lead to summer learning loss, putting them behind their peers.
To help close the gap of summer learning loss, Marine Toys for Tots has combined efforts with nonprofit partner, Good360, and their network of nonprofits, to deliver hope and educational toys and resources to children in need across the Nation this summer.
Astegos, a nonprofit organization that serves children and families in and around the Boise, Idaho area, hosted two distributions at local elementary schools this summer.
Over 900 students from Hubbard Elementary and Reed Elementary schools came together for a Field Day event in Kuna, and received three new toys each, provided by Toys for Tots!

“For many of our students, school is where they are happiest,” said one teacher. “So, despite feeling sad about the school year ending, this donation brightened the day big time.”
At another distribution event, 300 students from Mountain Community School in Donnelly received educational toys and left with hope for a brighter tomorrow! The Valley County Sheriff’s Office also volunteered their time to engage with the students and taught them important emergency information and highlighted the positive role of law enforcement.

“This was the coolest day ever!” said one boy. “I got new toys and one of the officers let me use his radio.”
Toys for Tots stands ready to remind disadvantaged children that they are not forgotten and there is hope for a brighter future!